Things I think about when my kids go to bed.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Art of Interference

How much is the right amount to interfere when it comes to siblings?

"Sure Oliver, you can play playdough with me."

"Oliver, that piece is mine, here is a piece for you."

"Oliver, I SAID that piece is mine, stop touching it."



Does that sound familiar to anyone?

On one hand I want to let them work out these problems on their own, but on the other hand, to quote Zoe, "It's not fair." I get that, it really is not fair.

For the most part she is not the culprit, it is the sharing monster rearing his head and spewing fire on an otherwise pleasant experience. Why should she be constantly told to work it out, and what does that really mean?

In our house it often means she gives in to him because he's louder, stronger (yep, already), and frankly, she's nicer (am I not supposed to say that out loud?). I have to be honest, I'm not okay with that. I want her to be assertive (not aggressive) and stand up for herself. And she does. Sometimes. But it's usually a little guy with a penchant for grabbing who wins these fights. And I have to be honest, it's not really fair.

1 comment:

  1. I see my future. I have an eleven month old who shrieks if someone takes his toy away, and who habitually steals his big sister's stuff. She's for sure the "nicer" one and yes, I just said that out loud ;)
