Things I think about when my kids go to bed.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Beauty and the Beast

So... do you think she was excited to go to her first movie? We went to El Capitan to see Beauty and the Beast. She LOVED it, and all went great. She did decide she wanted to leave about 5 minutes before the movie ended, and there was no changing her mind. Still, a very successful outing!

Ma Ma

Having a baby is not a picnic. It definitely has its fun moments, but there are times when the monotony of watching a little person simply be, can be tedious. It helps to have an extremely non-monotonous 2 1/2 year old to break up the time, but as a parent I want to make sure that I am giving attention to Oliver as well.

For the past couple of weeks Oliver has really been getting his "words" out. Ga Ga, Ma Ma and the occasional Da Da. I remembered how sweet those words were coming out of Zoe, and the joy was no less great the second time around. The past three days we've progressed!

Starting on Thursday Oliver has been calling "Ma Ma" when I leave the room. If you ask him where mama is, he will turn to me. He calls it from his crib when he wakes up, and as I type he is calling it right now from baby jail.

What an intense feeling it is to think, "Wow, this little person that I've been staring at for 6 1/2 months gets it. He knows that I'm his person." One of my friends told me that she was so excited to hear her little ones say her name, and then once they started, and never stopped, she wanted to take it back. I know it was said in jest, but it made me very aware about not taking these little things for granted. It is so hard to be "present" at all times (I realize the irony in writing this while I'm on the computer as my two littles play on their own). As moms we work hard to balance getting things done for ourselves and getting things done for our kids (and hubbies too!). I definitely spend too much time on the computer, but I make it a point to not do anything on my phone while I'm sitting with the kids. It is a balancing act. Everyone has their own tightrope, or teeter totter, but we create our own balance.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

A Messy Kitchen

I think I've written about this before, somewhere. I may have been on Facebook or just in my journal, but this is a bridge I've crossed before, many times. I hate having a messy kitchen, let alone a messy house. But somehow, that is just the wake I leave behind me. My intentions are pure, and clean, but the result doesn't seem to measure up. I leave behind a stray plate, an unwashed pot, or a lone spaghetti noodle that didn't make it into someone's mouth.

I have friends (two in particular, T and E) who could be cooking a 10 course meal in their kitchens while remodeling the living room, and the house would look impeccable. It is a gift, a gift I am desperate to have. The ability to just be tidy. My hubby says that it can't be that hard, and maybe it isn't for some, but it is a challenge for me. It has nothing to do with two kids or any of the other excused I've come up with. It just is a gift, and like any other skill, it is one I have to work at. I will persevere. Now I am going to go get that spaghetti noodle.