Things I think about when my kids go to bed.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Santa and all his Baggage

At a time in my life where it seems like I'm informed on a daily basis the things that aren't fair, we hit Christmas. And in my house, with my almost 4 year old, it looks like 'tis the season for lying, or not? We are Jewish. Totally Jewish. Not the Jews with a Hannukah Bush. Not the Jews who get visits from Santa's super cool brother Hannukah Harry. Not even Jews who put up blue and white lights outside. Our house is peppered with different Star of Davids, the menorah Zoe made when she was 2, and several banners that loudly proclaim that Hannukah is a Happy time in this house. We are Jewish. But the rest of the world is doing their own thing. "Mommy, where are all the Hannukah decorations at Target? Why just in that corner over there?" "Mommy, how come all the streets are decorated for Christmas and not Hannukah?" "Mommy, why are we Jewish?" Why does Santa have to be so tough on us?