Things I think about when my kids go to bed.

Friday, December 31, 2010


Tonight is the last night of 2010. It has been an amazing year. So many wonderful things, but the one that sticks out the most is my Oliver. Oh how I love that baby. I will admit in advance, wine has been consumed tonight, so while this isn't exactly the same as the drunk emails I made in college, I will confess to a small amount of inhibition in this post.

I have become lax in my posting. I thought I was going to be one of those people who love to blog. A fair amount of narcissism accompanied by a genuine amount of love and pride for my children seemed to be a perfect blend to create a blogger. It seems to not be the case. I like to watch them get bigger. get smarter. get taller. get sillier. get better. Every time I go to blog, I stop to watch, and then I don't get a chance to post.

It would be preferable to have a record, a memory of that moment my heart stood still while Oliver precariously balanced by himself for the first time while Zoe clapped and shrieked alongside him. A written recollection of when Zoe looked at Oliver and told him that he was her BFF.

That was 2010 for me. The year my kids became BFF, and Rich and I became BFF with them.

March 24, 2010 brought me a 7 lb 8 oz boy. I didn't think I cared if I was having a boy or a girl until I found out he was a boy, and then I realized how much I wanted a boy. A little man. Someone to dress in jerseys and jeans, and to roll my eyes at "what a boy" he was. Zoe and I made up this song that we sing to Oliver. "Oliver Nathan, the king of the world, you are so cute and we love you so much." And we do. Zoe and I love Oliver so much that it drives us crazy. Sometimes she squeezes him too hard because of the love, and I understand. I squeeze him too hard sometimes also. He does that to us. Oliver Nathan.

Thank you 2010, on behalf of all of us.